SwimAmerica Coaches Training
Everything you'll need to teach at a SwimAmerica Swim School
Please make sure that this purchase is associated with each prospective students MyTeachable Account! This is how we track the students progress.
This $50 purchase gives ONE student access to the online course. To purchase this course in bulk, please visit the Program Director's store and select any number of the "SwimAmerica Coaches ONLINE COURSE". We will then send you that number of 100% off coupon codes in 1-2 business days.
Your Instructor
Course Curriculum
Overview of SwimAmerica
Available in
after you enroll
Part 1: Overview of the SwimAmerica System
Available in
after you enroll
Part 2: Teaching Methodology, Stations and Advancement Goals
Available in
after you enroll
StartCurriculum For Children (Ages 5 - teenage) (7:49)
StartStation l - “BUBBLES” (16:17)
StartStation 2 - “FLOATS AND GLIDES” (19:41)
StartStation 3 - “KICKING” (14:19)
StartStation 4 - “CRAWL STROKE” (13:08)
StartStation 5 - “FREESTYLE” (9:44)
StartStation 6 - “BACKSTROKE” (3:56)
StartStation 8 - “TURNS”
StartStation 9 - “LIFETIME STROKES”
StartStation 10 - “INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY”
StartExample of Sequencing of Each SwimAmerica Station
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I purchase a course for a prospective coach?
Purchase the $35 option below, but MAKE SURE that the purchase is associated with the STUDENTS MYTEACHABLE account.
Can I purchase in bulk?
Absolutely! Click on this link: http://bit.ly/2H1nXCs
When you purchase in bulk. Please give us 1-2 business days to send you a specified number of 100% off Coupon codes that your trainees can use to enroll in the course
How long do I have access to the Course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
When Does the Course Start and Finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
What About the Test?
There are short quizzes spread throughout the course, and there is a final exam. The final exam is automatically graded, and the student will need to get an 80% to pass. If they do not get 80% they can re-take the exam immediately. A certificate of completion is automatically presented when the exam is finished.